

2013-09-10 08:25 阅读(1011) 评论(3) 分类:随笔

 Public Database of Human Cancers -- World Health Organization
Stanford Surgical Pathology Criteria -- probably the best resource for the practicing surgical pathologist in an increasingly difficult specialty
Medscape Pathology -- mostly clinical medicine, the best "daily news" of the medical world
Pathology Resident Wiki
Human Pathlogy -- growing resource
Surgical Pathology Atlas -- lots of photos
Pathology Education Instructional Resource -- U. of Alabama; includes a digital library
Pathopic -- Swiss site; great resource for the truly hard-core
Alabama's Interactive Pathology Lab
Chilean Image Bank -- General Pathology -- en Español
Chilean Image Bank -- Systemic Pathology -- en Español
Connecticut Virtual Pathology Museum
Australian Interactive Pathology Museum
Semmelweis U., Budapest -- enormous pathology photo collection
Loyola Dermatology
History of Medicine -- National Library of Medicine
KU Pathology Home Page -- friends of mine
The Medical Algorithms Project -- not so much pathology, but worth a visit
Telmeds -- brilliant site by the medical students of Panama (Spanish language)
U of Iowa Dermatology Images
U Wash Cytogenetics Image Gallery
Urbana Atlas of Pathology -- great site
Visible Human Project at NLM
Karolinska Institutet -- pathology links
Johns Hopkins CPC's
Oklahoma Teaching Cases
Indiana U. Teaching Cases
SUNY Histopathology
West Virginia Case of the Month
Society for ultrastructural pathology -- electron microscope cases
PathologyPics -- where pathologists share favorite images. Thanks!
WebPath: Internet Pathology Laboratory -- great site



