博文 >> Prostate
穿刺中易误诊为前列腺癌的非前列腺组织镜下表现 文字及图片出自以下参考文献,感谢文献作者对病理事业的付出! 1、前列腺诊断病理学~蒋智铭 2、Prostate Biopsy Interpretat
muscle is frequently present in stroma. 查看全文>>
Atypical adenomatous hyperplasia (AAH)
Atypical adenomatous hyperplasia (AAH), one of the most frequently encountered mimics of prostate
弥漫阳性。根据其诊断标准可以与前列腺癌、非典型小腺泡增生ASAP和HGPIN相鉴别。 查看全文>>
atypical small acinar proliferation (ASAP)
atypical small acinar proliferation (ASAP) 非典型小腺泡增殖记得有一次看前列腺电切标本,看到一小灶非典型小腺泡,把剩余的组织取光,都是良性增生的组织,做了
lowing extended 10- to 12-biopsy protocol. 查看全文>>
Minimal Prostatic Carcinoma In Needle Biopsies
Minimal Prostatic Carcinoma In Needle Biopsies Prostate adenocarcinoma identified in multiple needl
ory note and recommendation to rebiopsy. 查看全文>>
(二)Application of Gleason Grading Protocol in Specific Circumstances
Application of Gleason Grading Protocol in Specific Circumstances 特殊情况下的Gleason Grading Cumulat
nodule and all other independent nodules. 查看全文>>
(一)Histologic Criteria of Gleason Grading Patterns
Histologic Criteria of Gleason Grading Patterns 名称:图1描述:Gleason grading system of prostatic adeno
sses名称:图2描述:Pattern 5-2名称:图3描述:Pattern 5-3 查看全文>>
Morphologic Features Diagnostic of Prostate Adenocarcinoma
Three histologic features that are pathognomonic of prostate carcinoma have been identified. These a
低估的。名称:图1描述:Mucinous fibroplasia 粘液性纤维增生 查看全文>>