


Morphologic Features Diagnostic of Prostate Adenocarcinoma

2012-09-26 10:12 阅读(739) 评论(7) 分类:Prostate


Three histologic features that are pathognomonic of prostate carcinoma have been identified. These are perineural invasion, collaganous micronodules (mucinous fibroplasia), and glomerulations within acini.


Perineural invasion within needle biopsies is the most frequent of these three diagnostic features of malignancy. This finding is observed in an average of 27% of diagnostic needle biopsies. Strict diagnostic criteria must be applied, the requirement of circumferential envelopment of a nerve tributary by cytologically atypical cells, to differentiate this finding from benign encroachment . In the latter, nerve segments may indent prostate ducts or acini. Application of immunohistochemical stains including AMACR and 34BE12 will clarify challenging examples.

神经周围浸润是指非典型的细胞包绕神经纤维,要与良性腺体假性侵犯神经鉴别;后者导管或腺泡对神经纤维形成压迹。免疫组化染色AMACR 和 34BE12 的应用可以解决挑战性的病例。

Morphologic Features Diagnostic of Prostate Adenocarcinoma

Glomeruloid bodies are solid collections of prostatic carcinoma cells within an acinus that is frequently expanded. Occasionally, the collection of cells has gaps resulting in focal cribriform appearance. The intra-acinar collection of tumor cells is typically attached to the more peripheral luminal epithelium resulting in an appearance simulating a renal glomerulus. These glomeruloid bodies are virtually always present in the background of prostate carcinoma with the usual features, most frequently with Gleason pattern 3.

肾小球样结构常见于Gleason pattern 3的常见类型的前列腺癌

Morphologic Features Diagnostic of Prostate Adenocarcinoma

The third malignancy-specific finding is mucinous fibroplasia or collagenous micronodules. This microscopic feature is a spectrum of histologic changes that reflect a fibroblastic collagenous response to mucin extravasating from the neoplastic acinus into the adjacent stroma  . Some such examples are dominated by predominance of mucin production with minimal collagen production, whereas others demonstrate prominent fibroblast and collagen ingrowth into the neoplastic acinus. The interacinus stroma frequently shows the same collagenous deposition as that noted within the neoplastic acini.

With the exception of perineural invasion that is commonly observed in prostate needle biopsies, glomerulations and mucinous fibroplasia are rarely observed in these tissue samples, but their diagnostic importance cannot be overstated.


Morphologic Features Diagnostic of Prostate Adenocarcinoma
描述:Mucinous fibroplasia 粘液性纤维增生



