2012-09-29 14:47 阅读(2159) 评论(4) 分类:Prostate
2、Prostate Biopsy Interpretation~Rajal B. Shah, Ming Zhou
3、Urologic Pathology~ Robert O. Petersen, Isabell A. Sesterhenn, Charles J. Davis
一、Seminal Vesicle / Ejaculatory Duct Epithelium 精囊腺及射精管上皮
名称:图1 正常精囊腺组织
名称:图2 正常精囊腺组织
名称:图3 正常精囊腺组织
名称:图1 Interface of prostate base and seminal vesicle
描述: The seminal vesicles are separated from the prostate base by loose fibrofatty tissue. The prostate lacks any structures interpretable as a “capsule” in this location.
名称:图1 Seminal Vesicle1
描述:Seminal vesicle/ejaculatory duct epithelium. In small biopsy samples, seminal vesicle and ejaculatory duct structures are usually not distinguishable unless biopsy targeting seminal vesicle is performed. At low power (a), peripherally located well-formed small branching glands with cytoplasmic amphophilia, budding from central dilated lumina is a common feature. Well-formed muscular layer surrounding glands favors seminal vesicle tissue but usually is not present n biopsy samples.
名称:图2 Seminal Vesicle2
描述:At higher magnification (b), the epithelium lining the lumina and small glands show nuclear hyperchromasia and random pleomorphism (arrows), also referred to as “monster nuclei.” Nuclear
pseudoinclusions are commonly seen. Prominent golden-brown lipofuscin granules (arrowhead) are typical. Overall, the random nuclear atypia with prominent lipofuscin pigment in acini is a definitional feature.
二、Verumontanum / Verumontanum Mucosal Gland Hyperplasia 精阜粘膜腺体及其增生
名称:图1 Verumontanum
描述:The verumontanum, a posterior protrusion into the urethral lumen, contains the utricle and two distal ejaculatory ducts.
名称:图2 Verumontanum gland hyperplasia
描述:The crowded small acini beneath the urethral mucosa of the verumontanum are typical.
名称:图1 Verumontanum Mucosal Gland1
描述:Verumontanum mucosal gland hyperplasia. At low power (a), lobulated collection of relatively uniform, closely packed, round, small acini, frequently accompanied by adjacent urothelial epithelium (arrow) is a common presentation. Intraluminal brown-orange concretions (arrow) are a frequent and distinctive feature.
名称:图2 Verumontanum Mucosal Gland2
描述:At high magnification (b), the luminal cells have small uniform nuclei and inconspicuous
nucleoli. An intact basal cell layer is present.
三、Cowper’s Glands 尿道球腺
名称:图1 前列腺穿刺误穿尿道球腺
名称:图2 前列腺穿刺误穿尿道球腺
名称:图3 前列腺穿刺误穿尿道球腺
名称:图1 Cowper’s Glands1
描述:At low power (a), Cowper’s glands are composed of tightly circumscribed or lobulated proliferation of small, uniform acini lined by mucus-containing cells with a central duct. This dimorphic population of ducts (arrow) surrounded by acini is a characteristic feature.
名称:图2 Cowper’s Glands2
描述:Cytological features are bland, including small nuclei and inconspicuous nucleoli. Mucin is present in the intracellular compartment in contrast to intraluminal mucin in prostate cancer.
名称:图3 Cowper’s Glands3
描述:Skeletal muscle is frequently present in stroma.