第27章皮肤(Skin)The discussion of the skin will be divided into three subsections: melanocytic lesions, nonmelanocytic lesions, and inflammatory (systemic) disorders. Skin biopsies are usually ..
第27章皮肤(Skin)The discussion of the skin will be divided into three subsections: melanocytic lesions, nonmelanocytic lesions, and inflammatory (systemic) disorders. Skin biopsies are usually ..
外科病理学-实践诊断过程的初学者指南(第27章 皮肤)
第27章 皮肤(Skin)The discussion of the skin will be divided into three subsections: melanocytic lesions,
者涉及脂肪本身。典型的间隔性脂膜炎是结节性红斑。深部狼疮或深狼疮,是一种小叶性脂膜炎。 查看全文>>
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