NYPD 警犬 K9 unit
2014-11-16 00:23 阅读(404) 评论(1) 分类:专业
I spent a month with New York ME office. It was not that cool as I thought. Every day was forensic autopsies on people who had been suicidized, murderized, or decomposified. It sort of fubars your world view when you open up a body bag and see a maggot-covered partially-skeletonized smelly corpse or a greenish marbalized bloated humany-thing with its tongue partially protruding. Everyday all I did was to stick syringes into its eyeballs and cut out all of its vital organs.
The only exciting thing we did was to work with K9 rescue dogs. In this picture, he is a European breed German shepherd (Bruno), 4 year-old. His job is searching missing people and human body parts. Very gentle and professional.
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