
  • ASCP 巧遇姜昆老师

    Friday was the last day of ASCP, it was also the networking day.I was very happy to meetDr. Kun Ji


    and I wondered, what will our future be?   查看全文>>

    2014-11-16 00:42:07 评论(3)   查看(317)   分类:会议
  • NYPD 警犬 K9 unit

    I spent a month with New YorkME office. It was not that cool as I thought. Every day was forensic


    body parts. Very gentle and professional.   查看全文>>

    2014-11-16 00:23:46 评论(1)   查看(404)   分类:专业
  • 解题

    A 20-year-old male presents with a large mass deep in his right thigh. At surgical resection,


    benign and (by definition) do not metastasize.   查看全文>>

    2014-11-02 04:00:18 评论(2)   查看(199)   分类:病例
  • 美国医院对抗艾博拉病毒新举措

    Laboratories are currently scrambling to define and put into place procedures for dealing with


    It’s important to be as prepared as possible.   查看全文>>

    2014-11-02 03:46:42 评论(2)   查看(264)   分类:感染学病理