

2012-12-31 13:17  阅读(761)  评论(5)  分类:网络病例

病例1: http://bbs.ipathology.cn/article/21891/view/asc.html


国外文献报道9例:Ro JY, Shen SS et al. Plasmacytoid transitional cell carcinoma of urinary bladder: a clinicopathologic study of 9 cases. Am J Surg Pathol.2008 32:752-7.

In this report, we summarized the clinicopathologic features of 9 cases of plasmacytoid transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the urinary bladder, a rare variant of TCC. One patient had TNM stage I disease, 2 had stage II disease, 3 had stage III disease, and 3 had stage IV disease. Microscopically, all tumors contained plasmacytoid cells, which composed 30% to 100% of the entire tumor. Eight of 9 cases were associated with high-grade TCC. The plasmacytoid tumor cells were characterized by eccentrically located nuclei and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Five patients died of disease from to 36 months. In summary, plasmacytoid TCC tends to present at an advanced stage and to have a poor prognosis. Morphologic recognition and distinction from other plasmacytoid malignant neoplasms is critical for its clinical management and immunohistochemical studies may be required for differential diagnosis.



