

主题/作者 楼层 参与时间 回复/查看
Kidney needle biopsy [ quhong ] 0 2009-05-26 18/2778
Kidney needle biopsy [ quhong ] 0 2009-05-26 18/2778
Kidney needle biopsy [ quhong ] 0 2009-05-26 18/2778
Kidney needle biopsy [ quhong ] 0 2009-05-26 18/2778
Kidney needle biopsy [ quhong ] 0 2009-05-26 18/2778
Transplant kidney with proteinuria [ quhong ] 0 2009-06-10 10/3252
Transplant kidney with proteinuria [ quhong ] 0 2009-06-10 10/3252
36-year-old woman with persistent microalbuminuria [ quhong ] 0 2009-06-10 3/2183
Kidney needle biopsy [ quhong ] 0 2009-05-26 18/2778
Acute renal failure after endocarditis. [ quhong ] 0 2009-05-22 8/2853
Acute renal failure after endocarditis. [ quhong ] 0 2009-05-22 8/2853
肾移植术后13年 [ frankbj ] 0 2009-05-24 5/2629
肾移植术后13年 [ frankbj ] 0 2009-05-24 5/2629
Tranplant Kidney Biopsy [ quhong ] 0 2009-05-13 6/2195
肾移植术后3年,移植肾穿刺活检 [ frankbj ] 0 2009-05-17 7/2171
肾移植术后3年,移植肾穿刺活检 [ frankbj ] 0 2009-05-17 7/2171
肾移植术后4月 [ frankbj ] 0 2009-05-07 6/2197
Tranplant Kidney Biopsy [ quhong ] 0 2009-05-13 6/2195
肾移植术后4月 [ frankbj ] 0 2009-05-07 6/2197
Native kidney biopsy [ quhong ] 0 2009-05-12 5/2689