

主题/作者 楼层 参与时间 回复/查看
61 years old man with proteinuria. [ quhong ] 0 2009-08-24 7/2258
2009-8-11日病例讨论 [ geng72 ] 0 2009-08-11 11/2712
61 years old man with proteinuria. [ quhong ] 0 2009-08-24 7/2258
2009-8-11日病例讨论 [ geng72 ] 0 2009-08-11 11/2712
Woman with acute renal failure [ quhong ] 0 2009-07-16 4/8053
Transplant kidney with proteinuria [ quhong ] 0 2009-06-10 10/3252
Transplant kidney with proteinuria [ quhong ] 0 2009-06-10 10/3252
Woman with acute renal failure [ quhong ] 0 2009-07-16 4/8053
肾脏移植半年后穿刺 [ frankbj ] 0 2007-12-13 8/2889
SJTRENTEQUATRE肾肿瘤 [ wy1992 ] 0 2008-06-17 9/2302
替taoxuan860718网友发贴,求助:《IgA肾病病理分型新进展》 [ 小荷 ] 0 2009-05-06 12/4220
猜猜看,肾小球毛细血管内的“栓子”是什么东东? [ 清静无为 ] 0 2008-07-19 22/6210
少见病例,请大家会诊! [ geng72 ] 0 2009-07-01 19/4718
5月12日病例讨论 [ geng72 ] 0 2009-05-11 8/2281
5月12日病例讨论 [ geng72 ] 0 2009-05-11 8/2281
Transplant kidney with proteinuria [ quhong ] 0 2009-06-10 10/3252
少见病例,请大家会诊! [ geng72 ] 0 2009-07-01 19/4718
少见病例,请大家会诊! [ geng72 ] 0 2009-07-01 19/4718
少见病例,请大家会诊! [ geng72 ] 0 2009-07-01 19/4718
Kidney needle biopsy [ quhong ] 0 2009-05-26 18/2778