Endometrial Hyperplasia 子宫内膜增生(是否伴有非典型增生的困惑)
Endometrial Hyperplasia 子宫内膜增生(是否伴有非典型增生的困惑)
1. World Health Organization classification of endometrial hyperplasia.
Hyperplasia (without atypia)
Simple 简单型增生
Complex 复杂型增生
Atypical hyperplasia
Simple 简单型增生伴不典型增生
Complex 复杂型增生伴不典型增生
2. Atypical Hyperplasia
The diagnosis of atypical hyperplasia is based on the presence of nuclear atypia. Architecturally, atypical hyperplasia can have simple or complex patterns.
The specific nuclear features of atypical hyperplasia include stratification, nuclear enlargement with altered chromatin, and nucleoli. The nuclei characteristically show true stratification ranging from two to four layers, with loss of polarity in relation to the basement membrane, giving an appearance of disarray to the nuclei that contrasts with the pseudostratification in nonatypical hyperplasia.The nuclei are enlarged and rounded rather than oval and may have irregular nuclear membranes. The chromatin is centrally dispersed and forms clumps along the nuclear membrane, resulting in a distinctive vesicular appearance that is highly characteristic of endometrial atypia. Nucleoli may be prominent.
3. 下面一段话对是否伴有非典型增生提供了一些思路上的帮助,不典型增生是不分级的,因为可重复性的原因!
Atypical hyperplasia can be focally present in tissue along with nonatypical hyperplasia.The minimal criteria for the diagnosis of focal atypia have not been defined. Nonetheless, for focal atypia to be a significant finding, it should be readily discernible in a background of clearly hyperplastic glands. In equivocal cases where there is a question of focal atypia in a background of simple or complex hyperplasia, there often are atypical nuclei focally distributed in many glands. In other cases the apparent atypia is confined to only a few glands. In either case a diagnosis of atypical hyperplasia is best limited to those cases in which clearly atypical nuclei are readily identified without diligent searching. In equivocal cases, we recommend that atypia not be diagnosed unless clearly atypical nuclei involve most of the epithelium, lining several well-visualized glands in cross section. Surface epithelium should be avoided in assessing the presence of atypia. Atypia cannot be reproducibly subdivided or graded into categories such as mild, moderate, and severe.