Histology for Pathologists
2011-08-27 13:23 阅读(1957) 评论(1) 分类:专业
Histology for Pathologists (下载页http://www.ipathology.cn/channel/detail/name/share/article/6190.html)
The third edition of Histology for Pathologists builds on the tradition of its two predecessors as a text to bridge the gap between the histology of normality and pathology. Dr. Stephen S. Sternberg, who first recognized the need for this text, shepherded the first two editions through production, and made this work a “must have” for practicing pathologists, has retired as editor. It is a great honor to replace him on the third edition and continue his legacy.
It is axiomatic that in order to understand the abnormal, one must first have a clear understanding of the normal. Although normal histology appears static, at least when viewed over the life span of humans, our understanding of normality evolves at a considerably more rapid rate. Accordingly, the third edition is greatly revised and completely reorganized. Where appropriate, immunohistochemical features of normal tissues are presented, using the latest available markers. Several new chapter authors have been added and many new color illustrations are provided. Considerable effort has been expended to improve the illustrations held over from prior editions. At the time of the second edition, apoptosis was a relatively new discovery and merited a separate chapter. This now well-accepted concept is discussed in detail in individual chapters of the third edition. Although the text emphasizes normality, as in prior editions, prepathologic conditions are briefly considered in many chapters. More importantly, emphasis is placed on normal processes that may be confused with pathologic conditions. It is this pathologic perspective that sets Histology for Pathologists apart from standard histology texts written by anatomists.
As in the prior two editions, our goal for the third edition remains to provide a text that both the neophyte pathology trainee and experienced anatomic pathologist will find of considerable value in their professional careers.
Stacey E. Mills MD
