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UPMC Physician Resources 2012-08-08 2/5479 亚梦[2012-09-23]
UPMC Dr. Webster’s video 2012-08-08 0/4993 [2012-08-08]
ZT: 匹茨堡另一所大学府:卡内基梅隆大学 (海上的云 (海云) 2012-07-29 7/3911 Rebecca[2013-08-24]
ZT:中国的医学博士在美国相当于什么? -河边(美国) 2012-07-26 5/3142 可可[2013-03-14]
ZT: 方舟子打假成立:兼谈中国和美国的医学教育-河边 2012-07-26 4/2451 曹大夫[2012-10-06]
ZT: 匹茨堡大学和医学院参观感想(中)-海上的云 (海云) 2012-07-26 4/4507 静楦刁缠8485[2012-11-23]
ZT: 大学城匹茨堡: 海上的云 (海云) 2012-07-25 8/3044 tql66[2012-11-14]
玩的就是心跳!全球最"不要命"极限挑战(高清组图) ZT 2012-06-28 7/2278 yeren023[2012-09-25]
60th American Society of Cytopathology Anniversary meeting in Las Vegas 2012-04-18 6/4048 强子[2012-04-20]
UPMC section of Lab Medicine-Division of Molecular Diagnostics 2012-02-29 4/4852 cqzhao[2012-02-29]
upmc division of molecular anatomic pathology (MAP) 2012-02-29 6/3236 cqzhao[2012-02-29]
对这个病例你的建议是什么? 2012-02-27 11/3231 cqzhao[2012-03-06]
Brief introduction of UPMC 2012-02-24 5/3096 草原[2012-03-04]
Introduction of Banzhu 2 Dr. Yang 2012-02-24 7/3128 草原[2012-03-04]
introduction of Banzhu 1 Dr. LI 2012-02-24 3/2688 小荷[2012-02-24]
Good pathology web for basic pathology 2012-02-03 6/3390 雾蒙蒙[2012-07-18]
9 unknown cervical lesion cases 2012-02-03 22/3741 病理呵呵[2014-04-01]
Ben Goldacre: 与坏科学做斗争 2012-01-10 6/3094 筷子[2012-05-21]
63y/f with imaging finding of R breast asymmetry (cqz B-44) 2012-01-06 32/5986 菜刀妹[2013-04-17]
share the photos for my colleaques at Magee 2011-12-23 4/3278 小荷[2011-12-24]