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Ovarian melanoma (cqz 4) 2009-02-07 22/4837 cqzhao[2009-02-25]
what tumors or bengin cells can have nuclear grooves or nuclear pseudoinclusion 2009-02-05 9/3886 海上明月[2009-09-16]
Breast LCIS involving sclerosing adenosis+ADH (cqz 11) 2009-01-29 32/7032 JX16[2014-07-14]
What is the initial procedure in palpable brest lesions 2009-01-13 27/5786 天山望月[2009-01-31]
Invasive ductal ca look as DCIS-the importance of myoepithelial marker (cqz-10) 2009-01-06 45/7107 zengchaosysu[2016-03-14]
Breast invasive carcinoma template cqz (9)浸润性乳腺癌报告模板 2008-12-15 14/9783 追逐太阳[2015-10-26]
Breast lesion DCIS or ADH cqz (8) 2008-12-13 30/7537 emmprin[2010-11-16]
Neck 副节瘤 (paraganglioma )FNA and its differential diagnosis (cqz 3) 2008-12-12 59/6847 zchzmf[2009-02-09]
an easy case for you-Pap test (cqz 3) 2008-12-12 150/17163 wdctop[2011-04-02]
What are they in a conventional Pap of 42 years 2008-12-06 42/6902 宁静志远[2011-02-09]
Breast lobular lesions and stains ( cqz 7) 2008-12-03 105/11259 追逐太阳[2015-10-25]
Uterine high grade malignant tumor with divergent differentiation (cqz3) 2008-12-03 53/7344 alading1999[2009-03-11]
Breast basal-like carcinoma (cqz 6) 2008-11-27 93/12290 heye[2013-03-15]
Lung mass FNA today Please join in the discussion 2008-11-21 48/7991 七彩虹[2009-09-16]
Older women pelvic mesothelioma (cqz2) 2008-11-20 39/6766 alading1999[2009-03-10]
Liver metastatic carcinoid and differential dx (cqz 1) 2008-11-17 25/7234 绝世好片[2009-09-16]
Breast atypical papilloma (cqz 5) 2008-11-17 29/9383 大雪素[2010-12-11]
Breast encapsulated papillary carcinoma with focal frankly invasion (cqz 4) 2008-11-15 31/7301 JX16[2014-02-14]
The US doctors graduated from Chinese medical school 2008-11-13 5/2886 曹大夫[2008-11-30]
Breast encapsulated (intracystic) papillary carcinoma (cqz 3) 2008-11-12 33/7797 红与蓝[2009-02-27]