

2012-04-13 11:44 阅读(2332) 评论(1) 分类:专业


Prostate, prostatectomy:

                Histologic type:                                   Adenocarcinoma

                Variant histology present:                signet ring-cell carcinoma  


                Gleason score (primary + secondary):         5+4 =9

                        Primary pattern (%):                    5, 50%

                        Secondary pattern (%):               4, 30%

                        Tertiary pattern (%):                     3, 20%


                Tumor quantitation:

                        Largest tumor focus:                  36 mm (greatest dimension)

                                Additional dimensions:      16 x12 mm

                                Location:                               Left posterior

                                Multifocality:                          Yes

                        Second largest focus:                9 mm (greatest dimension)

                                Location:                               Left anterior  


                Extraprostatic extension:                No

                        [if yes] Focal or non-focal:          N/A

                        [if yes] Location(s):                      N/A

                Seminal vesicle invasion: No

                        [if yes specify] Side:                     N/A

                Cancer at surgical margin:              No

                        [if yes] Location(s):                     N/A

                        [if yes] Quantification (total length):          N/A

                        [If no]  Closest distance with location:   < 1 mm, left posterior

                Incised specimen:                              No 

                Apex involvement:                              No 

                Bladder neck involvement:              No

                Lymph-vascular invasion:                No

                Perineural invasion:                           No

                Treatment effect on carcinoma:    No

                Other histologic findings: High-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia

                Lymph nodes submitted:                  Yes

                        # positive/# submitted [if yes]    0/8


                Ancillary studies:                                No


                Pathologic stage (2010)                   pT2c pN0 pM – not applicable



Prostate, biopsy:

                Prostatic adenocarcinoma, Gleason score 4 +5 = 9.

% of areas involved by cancer:                 90%

Number of cores examined:                     4

Number of cores positive for cancer:      4

Percentage of Gleason pattern 4:            85%

Percentage of Gleason pattern 5:            3%

High-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN):  Positive

Perineural invasion:                                    Positive




