
主题/作者 楼层 参与时间 回复/查看
41-year-old female right ovary [ 陈隆文博士 ] 0 2009-05-01 17/2806
搞笑病例2__妇科专家不知道外阴派杰病? [ abin ] 0 2009-04-16 31/5367
35 y/o, ASCUS from outside hospital, colposcopy. [ mingfuyu ] 0 2009-04-28 13/4102
Interpretation: Ovarian stromal tumor with features of sclerosing stromal tumor and thecoma [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-04-16 83/14222
Interpretation: Ovarian stromal tumor with features of sclerosing stromal tumor and thecoma [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-04-16 83/14222
搞笑病例1 [ abin ] 0 2009-04-16 54/6613
Interpretation: Ovarian stromal tumor with features of sclerosing stromal tumor and thecoma [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-04-16 83/14222
请指教!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [ ypz0303 ] 0 2009-03-25 19/2442
外阴粘液性肿物 [ xxl2495 ] 0 2009-04-17 32/4500
搞笑病例1 [ abin ] 0 2009-04-16 54/6613
Interpretation: Ovarian stromal tumor with features of sclerosing stromal tumor and thecoma [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-04-16 83/14222
外阴结节 [ lfl001200546 ] 0 2009-04-19 18/2494
女45岁,子宫内膜病变(090649) [ 城北 ] 0 2009-04-06 93/8461
Interpretation: Ovarian stromal tumor with features of sclerosing stromal tumor and thecoma [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-04-16 83/14222
子宫平滑肌肉瘤中的坏死? [ abin ] 0 2009-03-19 27/9555
子宫平滑肌肉瘤中的坏死? [ abin ] 0 2009-03-19 27/9555
搞笑病例2__妇科专家不知道外阴派杰病? [ abin ] 0 2009-04-16 31/5367
Interpretation: Ovarian stromal tumor with features of sclerosing stromal tumor and thecoma [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-04-16 83/14222
推荐一本新书---妇科外科病理学(英文) [ Chiang ] 0 2009-04-01 10/2312
卵巢肿瘤 [ xxl2495 ] 0 2009-04-16 21/4107