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这个是合体滋养层细胞,是不是绒毛? [ 千百合 ] 0 2009-05-15 23/4794
44岁子宫内膜标本,请各位老师会诊,谢谢 [ 千百合 ] 0 2009-05-14 62/7545
60y宫颈活检 [ 全子 ] 0 2009-05-13 6/1689
39y宫颈活检 [ 全子 ] 0 2009-05-13 40/5748
39y宫颈活检 [ 全子 ] 0 2009-05-13 40/5748
提个关于CIN的问题…… [ 强子 ] 0 2009-05-10 3/1815
Interpretation: Ovarian stromal tumor with features of sclerosing stromal tumor and thecoma [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-04-16 83/14222
见过这样有的宫内膜吗? [ cheaiwen ] 0 2009-05-12 6/1451
搞笑病例2__妇科专家不知道外阴派杰病? [ abin ] 0 2009-04-16 31/5367
搞笑病例2__妇科专家不知道外阴派杰病? [ abin ] 0 2009-04-16 31/5367
搞笑病例2__妇科专家不知道外阴派杰病? [ abin ] 0 2009-04-16 31/5367
搞笑病例2__妇科专家不知道外阴派杰病? [ abin ] 0 2009-04-16 31/5367
女,35岁 [ 风的影子 ] 0 2009-05-06 14/2486
读片会资料,是PSTT吗? [ abin ] 0 2009-03-26 14/2352
女,46,宫颈囊肿 [ 风的影子 ] 0 2009-05-07 10/3599
Interpretation: Ovarian stromal tumor with features of sclerosing stromal tumor and thecoma [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-04-16 83/14222
Interpretation: Ovarian stromal tumor with features of sclerosing stromal tumor and thecoma [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-04-16 83/14222
41-year-old female right ovary [ 陈隆文博士 ] 0 2009-05-01 17/2806
宫内膜 [ 丝哥芽 ] 0 2009-05-04 13/2208
急!急!急!是否够癌?分型? [ jiangxiaoyu ] 0 2009-05-04 43/3579