Frequent Expression of Napsin A in Clear Cell Carcinoma of the Endometrium: Potential Diagnostic Uti
Frequent Expression of Napsin A in Clear Cell Carcinoma of the Endometrium: Potential Diagnostic U
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2014-02-21 09:19:58 评论(1) 查看(156) 分类:专业 -
Growth-associated protein 43 in differentiating peripheral nerve sheath tumors from other non-neural
Growth-associated protein 43 in differentiating peripheral nerve sheath tumors from other non-neur
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2014-02-21 08:41:58 评论(0) 查看(138) 分类:专业 -
HNF4[alpha] as a Marker for Invasive Mucinous Adenocarcinoma of the Lung Sugano, Masato; Nagasak
constitute a biological spectrum of IMC. 查看全文>>
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IMP3 、 GLUT-1免疫组化在鉴别良性及恶性间皮增殖中的应用
IMP3 and GLUT-1 Immunohistochemistry for Distinguishing Benign From Malignant Mesothelial Proliferat
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附件:TTF-1-review 查看全文>>
2012-08-20 12:46:19 评论(0) 查看(754) 分类:文娱