
主题/作者 楼层 参与时间 回复/查看
右甲状腺肿大 [ dujun0522 ] 0 2009-02-10 53/6529
乳腺增生与癌 [ mimo2000 ] 0 2009-04-09 80/6687
右卵巢肿瘤,请都各位大仙高见 [ 阡陌老农 ] 0 2008-05-17 43/7248
膀胱肿物,内翻? [ 星星之火 ] 0 2009-03-10 57/8766
卵巢肿瘤 [ zhym ] 0 2009-03-19 82/7143
新年快乐!万事如意! [ 风的影子 ] 0 2009-01-25 2/1606
乳腺快速!!! [ lsl1106 ] 0 2009-01-07 67/6229
20081115宫腔内团块 [ 169991 ] 0 2008-11-15 26/4593
Please Share Your Lessons and Experience! [ stevenshen ] 0 2009-01-05 5/2263
59 year old man with mastoid mass (ss112108) [ stevenshen ] 0 2008-11-22 27/4140
59 year old man with mastoid mass (ss112108) [ stevenshen ] 0 2008-11-22 27/4140
59 year old man with mastoid mass (ss112108) [ stevenshen ] 0 2008-11-22 27/4140
59 year old man with mastoid mass (ss112108) [ stevenshen ] 0 2008-11-22 27/4140
31 year old man with testicular mass (ss111408) [ stevenshen ] 0 2008-11-15 12/2542
31 year old man with testicular mass (ss111408) [ stevenshen ] 0 2008-11-15 12/2542
31 year old man with testicular mass (ss111408) [ stevenshen ] 0 2008-11-15 12/2542
59 year old man with mastoid mass (ss112108) [ stevenshen ] 0 2008-11-22 27/4140
乳腺肿物(冰冻)+常规切片+组化结果 [ lvgq ] 0 2008-11-13 38/7258
乳腺肿物(冰冻)+常规切片+组化结果 [ lvgq ] 0 2008-11-13 38/7258
鼻腔新生物(312027,0804276) [ wy1992 ] 0 2008-05-02 53/5630