
主题/作者 楼层 参与时间 回复/查看
宫颈活检 [ 学浅 ] 0 2009-09-30 24/2745
女 45岁 卵巢恶性肿瘤(1-4集) [ 学浅 ] 0 2009-10-07 41/6825
请及时给出最终答案 [ Liu_Aijun ] 0 2009-10-04 38/3551
子宫肿块伴肺结节 [ abin ] 0 2007-01-17 69/10179
宫颈管肿块 [ lfl001200546 ] 0 2008-05-07 50/9346
宫内膜----低分化的 [ 雁子 ] 0 2009-06-21 19/2674
宫内膜----低分化的 [ 雁子 ] 0 2009-06-21 19/2674
请欣赏[网上病例] [ JX16 ] 0 2009-06-03 7/1695
Interpretation: Ovarian stromal tumor with features of sclerosing stromal tumor and thecoma [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-04-16 83/14100
急!急!急!是否够癌?分型? [ jiangxiaoyu ] 0 2009-05-04 43/3575
41-year-old female right ovary [ 陈隆文博士 ] 0 2009-05-01 17/2803
腹水,卵巢活检 [ 春天来了 ] 0 2009-05-01 2/1544
(已确诊)卵巢肿物 [ lvgq ] 0 2009-04-26 21/3911
宫颈多点活检 [ wangdingding ] 0 2009-03-17 24/4137
宫腔刮出物 [ wangdingding ] 0 2009-03-03 81/10412
41-year-old female right ovary [ 陈隆文博士 ] 0 2009-05-01 17/2803
Interpretation: Ovarian stromal tumor with features of sclerosing stromal tumor and thecoma [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-04-16 83/14100
Interpretation: Ovarian stromal tumor with features of sclerosing stromal tumor and thecoma [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-04-16 83/14100
Interpretation: Ovarian stromal tumor with features of sclerosing stromal tumor and thecoma [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-04-16 83/14100
宫颈病变,很薄的上皮异常,如何诊断? [ 城北 ] 0 2007-08-22 43/6717