



主题/作者 楼层 参与时间 回复/查看
breast 髓样癌, yes or no?(cqz-26) 9-1-2009 [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-09-04 56/15280
不典型小叶增生累及乳头状瘤(cqz-27) [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-09-04 53/5740
what scores of the IHC Her 2stain you will give (cqz 14) [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-02-23 38/6641
Breast lesions cqz (12) (2-16-2009) [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-02-17 65/11490
Breast lesions cqz (12) (2-16-2009) [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-02-17 65/11490
Breast lesions cqz (12) (2-16-2009) [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-02-17 65/11490
Even Low-level HER2 Expression May be Associated With Worse Outcome in Node-positive Br.. [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-03-06 8/1822
Breast fibroepithelial lesions (cqz 15) [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-03-07 50/9233
Rare 乳腺分泌型癌 (cqz 13) [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-02-23 48/7407
Even Low-level HER2 Expression May be Associated With Worse Outcome in Node-positive Br.. [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-03-06 8/1822
45岁女性,多发乳腺肿块,Pap染色。 [ quyibl ] 0 2009-03-03 6/1814
what scores of the IHC Her 2stain you will give (cqz 14) [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-02-23 38/6641
Invasive ductal ca look as DCIS-the importance of myoepithelial marker (cqz-10) [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-01-06 45/7204
Invasive ductal ca look as DCIS-the importance of myoepithelial marker (cqz-10) [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-01-06 45/7204
Invasive ductal ca look as DCIS-the importance of myoepithelial marker (cqz-10) [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-01-06 45/7204
what scores of the IHC Her 2stain you will give (cqz 14) [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-02-23 38/6641
Rare 乳腺分泌型癌 (cqz 13) [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-02-23 48/7407
Invasive ductal ca look as DCIS-the importance of myoepithelial marker (cqz-10) [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-01-06 45/7204
Breast LCIS involving sclerosing adenosis+ADH (cqz 11) [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-01-29 32/7084
Breast lesions cqz (12) (2-16-2009) [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-02-17 65/11490