主题/作者 | 楼层 | 参与时间 | 回复/查看 |
宫颈活检 [ 绝世好片 ] | 0 | 2009-09-06 | 31/3451 |
卵巢肿瘤 [ 霜儿 ] | 0 | 2009-09-23 | 18/2026 |
够宫颈原位癌吗 [ njjqfzzyy ] | 0 | 2009-09-26 | 27/3595 |
卵巢浆液性癌还是宫内膜样癌? [ quyibl ] | 0 | 2009-09-15 | 26/3391 |
EIN link and quiz with 18 cases related with EIN for some ones interested to EIN [ cqzhao ] | 0 | 2009-08-30 | 9/2205 |
子宫肿块伴肺结节 [ abin ] | 0 | 2007-01-17 | 69/10242 |
少见的宫颈肿瘤(1952) [ 城北 ] | 0 | 2009-06-27 | 85/9677 |
外阴赘生物 [ zhanghs ] | 0 | 2009-08-01 | 80/11048 |
宫腔刮出物 [ wangdingding ] | 0 | 2009-03-03 | 81/10534 |
子宫内膜39岁,请教各位老师是复杂增生还是分泌 [ 千百合 ] | 0 | 2009-06-14 | 37/5404 |
宫颈活检 [ 宁静致远 ] | 0 | 2009-07-15 | 27/3093 |
盆腔肿块 [ listli1999 ] | 0 | 2009-07-15 | 27/5996 |
子宫内容物 [ zhym ] | 0 | 2009-07-16 | 39/3589 |
子宫内膜按日诊断(dating endometrium)的组织学特征 [ 强子 ] | 0 | 2009-04-30 | 66/7270 |
Interpretation: Ovarian stromal tumor with features of sclerosing stromal tumor and thecoma [ cqzhao ] | 0 | 2009-04-16 | 83/14176 |
女45岁,子宫内膜病变(090649) [ 城北 ] | 0 | 2009-04-06 | 93/8458 |
宫颈病变 [ 小鹤 ] | 0 | 2007-10-10 | 23/4570 |
右肾上腺肿块 帮忙会诊!(十分罕见,多发表意见呀!) [ chengs2001 ] | 0 | 2009-09-09 | 91/12276 |
2011年7月4日地坛医院病理科-血液临床病理沙龙+切片教学 [ chinaroc ] | 0 | 2011-06-04 | 33/5235 |
血液系统疑难病例临床-病理讨论沙龙(3例淋巴瘤) [ chinaroc ] | 0 | 2011-03-30 | 11/2440 |