
主题/作者 楼层 参与时间 回复/查看
breast 髓样癌, yes or no?(cqz-26) 9-1-2009 [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-09-04 56/15338
breast 髓样癌, yes or no?(cqz-26) 9-1-2009 [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-09-04 56/15338
乳腺肿物 [ 原来是你 ] 0 2009-09-18 13/1537
左乳肿物 (29楼新传免疫组化,有当没有看看吧) [ 绝世好片 ] 0 2009-09-06 32/4166
新人求教。乳腺肿物。 [ cuiyuanri ] 0 2009-09-14 20/2227
乳腺化生性癌 with 巨细胞and梭形细胞diffentiation (cqz-25)(8-12-2009) [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-08-12 39/7107
乳腺化生性癌 with 巨细胞and梭形细胞diffentiation (cqz-25)(8-12-2009) [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-08-12 39/7107
乳腺化生性癌 with 巨细胞and梭形细胞diffentiation (cqz-25)(8-12-2009) [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-08-12 39/7107
乳腺化生性癌 with 巨细胞and梭形细胞diffentiation (cqz-25)(8-12-2009) [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-08-12 39/7107
乳腺化生性癌 with 巨细胞and梭形细胞diffentiation (cqz-25)(8-12-2009) [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-08-12 39/7107
乳腺化生性癌 with 巨细胞and梭形细胞diffentiation (cqz-25)(8-12-2009) [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-08-12 39/7107
乳腺化生性癌 with 巨细胞and梭形细胞diffentiation (cqz-25)(8-12-2009) [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-08-12 39/7107
乳腺化生性癌 with 巨细胞and梭形细胞diffentiation (cqz-25)(8-12-2009) [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-08-12 39/7107
乳腺化生性癌 with 巨细胞and梭形细胞diffentiation (cqz-25)(8-12-2009) [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-08-12 39/7107
乳腺化生性癌 with 巨细胞and梭形细胞diffentiation (cqz-25)(8-12-2009) [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-08-12 39/7107
乳腺化生性癌 with 巨细胞and梭形细胞diffentiation (cqz-25)(8-12-2009) [ cqzhao ] 0 2009-08-12 39/7107
左乳肿物 (29楼新传免疫组化,有当没有看看吧) [ 绝世好片 ] 0 2009-09-06 32/4166
乳腺,请求会诊. [ sslm ] 0 2009-09-09 15/2115
左乳肿物 (29楼新传免疫组化,有当没有看看吧) [ 绝世好片 ] 0 2009-09-06 32/4166
乳腺包块,女,15岁,纤维腺瘤? [ quyibl ] 0 2009-07-31 42/4601