主题/作者 | 楼层 | 参与时间 | 回复/查看 |
卵巢网腺瘤样增生? [ yyyy ] | 0 | 2009-05-25 | 13/2184 |
帮忙看看 [ ldhwj ] | 0 | 2009-06-01 | 19/2130 |
宫颈活检 [ liulei530 ] | 0 | 2009-05-31 | 14/1831 |
脐部肿物 [ xxl2495 ] | 0 | 2009-05-27 | 15/3180 |
宫颈活检 [ 如雪如风88 ] | 0 | 2009-05-23 | 17/2298 |
宫颈活检 [ liulei530 ] | 0 | 2009-05-31 | 14/1831 |
有趣的囊肿 [ 九天揽月 ] | 0 | 2009-06-01 | 13/1836 |
急着发报告 [ ldhwj ] | 0 | 2009-06-01 | 2/1296 |
帮忙看看 [ ldhwj ] | 0 | 2009-06-01 | 19/2130 |
39y宫颈活检 [ 全子 ] | 0 | 2009-05-13 | 40/5651 |
宫颈 够癌吗? [ xiaoyan0290 ] | 0 | 2009-05-23 | 23/3542 |
只是鳞状化生吗? [ 文长江 ] | 0 | 2009-05-26 | 8/1907 |
阴道壁活检 [ xxl2495 ] | 0 | 2009-04-27 | 32/4995 |
脐部肿物 [ xxl2495 ] | 0 | 2009-05-27 | 15/3180 |
是不典型增生还是癌变? [ bjmk99 ] | 0 | 2009-05-23 | 35/3618 |
这个是合体滋养层细胞,是不是绒毛? [ 千百合 ] | 0 | 2009-05-15 | 23/4756 |
44岁子宫内膜标本,请各位老师会诊,谢谢 [ 千百合 ] | 0 | 2009-05-14 | 62/7437 |
Interpretation: Ovarian stromal tumor with features of sclerosing stromal tumor and thecoma [ cqzhao ] | 0 | 2009-04-16 | 83/14098 |
女,35岁 [ 风的影子 ] | 0 | 2009-05-06 | 14/2451 |
Interpretation: Ovarian stromal tumor with features of sclerosing stromal tumor and thecoma [ cqzhao ] | 0 | 2009-04-16 | 83/14098 |