Dreamed Up Number Leads Man to a Bride
Dreamed Up Number Leads Man to a Bride
A British man has met and married a 22-year-old woman after, by his own account, dreaming of her phone number and then sending her a text message.
David Brown, 24, says he woke up one morning after a night out with friends with a telephone number constantly running through his head. He decided to contact it, sending a message saying "Did I meet you last night?"
Random recipient Michelle Kitson was confused and wary at first but decided to reply and the two began exchanging messages. Eventually they met and fell in love.
"It was really weird but I was absolutely hooked," Kitson told the Daily Mail newspaper. "My mum and dad kept saying 'But he could be an axe murderer\', but I knew there was something special about it."
‘Have you been to the bank?’
‘Yes,’ he admitted.
‘And you couldn’t get the money?’
‘No. they couldn’t manage it Have another gin and bitters, darling?’
She held her glass out to him, crying dumbly; her face reddened when she cried - she looked ten years older, a middle-aged and abandoned woman - it was like the terrible breath of the future on his cheek. He went down on one knee beside her and held the pink gin to her lips as though it were Medicine. ‘My dear,’ he said, ‘I’ll find a way. Have a drink.’
‘Ticki, I can’t bear this place any longer. I know I’ve said it before, but I mean it this time. I shall go mad. Ticki, I’m so lonely. I haven’t a friend, Ticki.’
‘Let’s have Wilson up tomorrow.’
‘Ticki, for God’s sake don’t always mention Wilson. Please, please do something.’
‘Of course I will Just be patient a while, dear. these things take time.’
‘What will you do, Ticki?’
‘I’m full of ideas, darling,’ he said wearily. (What a day it had been.) ‘Just let them simmer for a little while.’
‘Tell me one idea. Just one.’
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