


The Key To Longevity

2008-01-09 10:15 阅读(315) 评论(0) 分类:文娱

The Key To Longevity

A medical team once went on a search for the key to longevity, hoping to share its findings with the public. It visited a number of primitive tribes and remote areas, where the inhabitants lived longer than the normal life span and looked younger and more innocent than most people.

On the first leg of its journey, the team visited a tribe of good-looking people. Although some of the tribesmen were well advanced in years, they still looked happy and healthy and had beautiful complexions. "What is your secret?" The doctors asked, "Why is it that you are able to live so long, yet remain young and happy?" They had little to worry about, they said. They had enough to eat, and had no competition, complicated business dealings, or jealousy among them. They just lived together naturally and peacefully. They ate simple food that was neither too spicy nor too sweet. They had no chocolate, for example. They did not even know what candy was, so their teeth were in good condition. (That's what I heard. I don't mean that you cannot eat candy.) So the doctors learned and recorded their findings about the key to longevity, which included not eating too many candies, sweet cookies, or spicy foods, and experiencing no competition, jealousy, business problems, or disputes.

     ‘What sort of day, sir?’ Fraser asked, staring at the small pile of ash. Perhaps he was thinking that it should have been his day.

     ‘the usual kind of a day,’ Scobie said.

     ‘How about the captain?’ Fraser asked, looking down into the petrol-tin, beginning to hum again his languid tune.

     ‘the captain?’ Scobie said.

     ‘Oh, Druce told me some fellow informed on him.’

     ‘Just the usual thing,’ Scobie said. ‘A dismissed steward with a grudge. Didn’t Druce tell you we found nothing?’

     ‘No,’ Fraser said, ‘he didn’t seem to be sure. Good night, sir. I must be pushing off to the mess.’

     ‘Thimblerigg on duty?’

     ‘Yes, sir.’

     Scobie watched him go. the back was as vacuous as the face: one could read nothing there. Scobie thought, what a fool I have been. What a fool. He owed his duty to Louise, not to a fat sentimental Portuguese skipper who had broken the rules of his own company for the sake of a daughter equally unattractive. That had been the turning point, the daughter. And now, Scobie thought, I must return Home: I shall put the car away in the garage, and Ali will come forward with his torch to light me to the door. She will be sitting there between two draughts for coolness, and I shall read on her face the story of what she has been thinking all day. She will have been hoping that everything is fixed, that I shall say, ‘I’ve put your name down at the agent’s for South Africa.’ but she’ll be afraid that nothing so good as that will ever happen to us. She’ll wait for me to speak, and I shall try to talk about anything under the sun to postpone seeing her misery (it would be waiting at the corners of her mouth to take possession of her whole face). He knew exactly how things would go: it had happened so often before. He rehearsed every word, going back into his office, locking his desk, going down to his car. People talk about the courage of condemned men walking to the place of execution: sometimes it needs as much courage to walk with any kind of bearing towards another person’s habitual misery. He forgot Fraser: he forgot everything but the scene ahead: I shall go in and say, ‘Good evening, sweet’ heart,’ and shell say, ‘Good evening, darling. What kind of a day?’ and I’ll talk and talk, but all the time I shall know I’m coming nearer to the moment when I shall say, ‘What about you, darling?’ and let the misery in.

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