
主题/作者 楼层 参与时间 回复/查看
鼻腔肿物-地坛1 [ chinaroc ] 0 2010-08-16 15/2012
The US doctors graduated from Chinese medical school [ cqzhao ] 0 2008-11-13 5/2904
乳腺肿物 [ lucia ] 0 2006-10-13 38/7399
子宫刮出物 [ 曹大夫 ] 0 2008-03-14 39/6525
welcome to my website for case discussion [ panzenggang ] 0 2008-01-09 14/2759
Teaching case(cervical cytology).What is your diagnosis? [ HHX ] 0 2006-11-27 24/5138
美国病理住院医生训练(3): 住院大夫的出路 [ 曹大夫 ] 0 2007-10-13 20/6407
美国病理住院大夫训练(2): 如何培养住院大夫的诊断能力 [ 曹大夫 ] 0 2007-10-06 8/3928
脑肿瘤 [ lucia ] 0 2007-09-22 9/2362
[已确诊]前列腺病变_2 (prostate lesion 2)-前列腺腺泡癌伴神经浸润, 扩展到前列腺外面 [ 曹大夫 ] 0 2007-09-27 16/4490
美国病理住院医生训练(1): 培训过程和课程 [ 曹大夫 ] 0 2007-09-30 19/9135
关于卵巢癌的最新消息 [ smcliyu8 ] 0 2007-04-09 6/3135
曹版主介绍! [ 小荷 ] 0 2007-09-26 58/9417
[已确诊] 肺肿瘤_1 (lung tumor-1)- malignant melanoma 恶性黑色素瘤 [ 曹大夫 ] 0 2007-09-25 11/3091
[已确诊]子宫刮出物_August 2008_胎盘部位结节(placental site nodule) [ 曹大夫 ] 0 2007-08-27 17/6482
(转)M28Y, a red thigh nodule for 6 months suggestive of KS [ abin ] 0 2007-04-16 6/3841
强烈推荐网站 http://pathology2.jhu.edu/sp/ [ lucia ] 0 2007-05-16 26/6828
(转)M28Y, a red thigh nodule for 6 months suggestive of KS [ abin ] 0 2007-04-16 6/3841
(转)M28Y, a red thigh nodule for 6 months suggestive of KS [ abin ] 0 2007-04-16 6/3841
新发现 [ 梦宝宝 ] 0 2006-11-13 17/4244