
主题/作者 楼层 参与时间 回复/查看
移植肾穿刺病例 [ frankbj ] 0 2010-01-19 9/2235
一个很好的病例 [ geng72 ] 0 2010-01-14 11/2566
Allograft kidney with acute cellular rejection and atypical glomerular changes under EM [ quhong ] 0 2010-01-13 8/2354
请教一简单问题:肾穿标本若不立即做免疫荧光,应如何保存?谢谢。 [ cnlzh20060 ] 0 2010-01-14 3/3002
一个很好的病例 [ geng72 ] 0 2010-01-14 11/2566
Allograft kidney with acute cellular rejection and atypical glomerular changes under EM [ quhong ] 0 2010-01-13 8/2354
Status post kidney transplant Day 1, delayed graft function. [ quhong ] 0 2009-11-17 14/2430
Status post kidney transplant Day 1, delayed graft function. [ quhong ] 0 2009-11-17 14/2430
Status post kidney transplant Day 1, delayed graft function. [ quhong ] 0 2009-11-17 14/2430
Status post kidney transplant Day 1, delayed graft function. [ quhong ] 0 2009-11-17 14/2430
Status post kidney transplant Day 1, delayed graft function. [ quhong ] 0 2009-11-17 14/2430
A young man was chased by a dog and fell, and then developed acute renal failure. [ quhong ] 0 2009-11-17 10/2259
A young man was chased by a dog and fell, and then developed acute renal failure. [ quhong ] 0 2009-11-17 10/2259
一个很好的病例,只是病理和临床不吻合 [ geng72 ] 0 2009-10-13 16/2883
病例讨论(2009-9-21) [ geng72 ] 0 2009-10-21 8/2486
病例一:老年男性,肾病综合征 [ 清静无为 ] 0 2009-10-19 8/2358
一个很好的病例,只是病理和临床不吻合 [ geng72 ] 0 2009-10-13 16/2883
一个少见病例(2009-9-25) [ geng72 ] 0 2009-09-25 7/2333
一个少见病例(2009-9-25) [ geng72 ] 0 2009-09-25 7/2333
Adult with proteinuria. [ quhong ] 0 2009-09-07 13/2485