


主题/作者 楼层 参与时间 回复/查看
Anterior Mediastinal FNA [ 陈隆文博士 ] 0 2009-01-06 27/4351
Anterior Mediastinal FNA [ 陈隆文博士 ] 0 2009-01-06 27/4351
女,36岁,乳腺肿物印片-已上传组织切片对照 [ 天山望月 ] 0 2008-12-19 14/2385
Neck 副节瘤 (paraganglioma )FNA and its differential diagnosis (cqz 3) [ cqzhao ] 0 2008-12-12 59/6880
FNA of lung mass [ 陈隆文博士 ] 0 2008-12-12 17/5034
FNA of lung mass [ 陈隆文博士 ] 0 2008-12-12 17/5034
FNA of lung mass [ 陈隆文博士 ] 0 2008-12-12 17/5034
FNA of chest wall nodule [ 陈隆文博士 ] 0 2008-12-06 15/2665
FNA of lung mass [ 陈隆文博士 ] 0 2008-12-12 17/5034
Neck 副节瘤 (paraganglioma )FNA and its differential diagnosis (cqz 3) [ cqzhao ] 0 2008-12-12 59/6880
Lung mass FNA today Please join in the discussion [ cqzhao ] 0 2008-11-21 48/8095
Lung mass FNA today Please join in the discussion [ cqzhao ] 0 2008-11-21 48/8095
颈部肿块 [ dingwei ] 0 2008-12-03 16/2590
Lung mass FNA today Please join in the discussion [ cqzhao ] 0 2008-11-21 48/8095
Lung mass FNA today Please join in the discussion [ cqzhao ] 0 2008-11-21 48/8095
Lung mass FNA today Please join in the discussion [ cqzhao ] 0 2008-11-21 48/8095
Liver metastatic carcinoid and differential dx (cqz 1) [ cqzhao ] 0 2008-11-17 25/7347
甲状腺包块针穿, 35, 女(甲状腺乳头状癌) [ hay ] 0 2008-01-05 33/4730
20071218左乳腺肿块穿剌涂片 [ 169991 ] 0 2007-12-18 9/2290
肺穿刺, 是什么(Adenocarcinoma)? [ hay ] 0 2007-12-16 20/3323