推荐:Atlas of Histology with Functional, Clinical Correlations
Atlas of Histology with Functional, Clinical Correlations -Dongmei Cui, et. al., © 2011 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, a Wolters Kluwer business. 21chapters,完整书签,可全文查找,正文439页,彩色高清文字版,图片丰富、精美,legend 也很详细,每个部分都有SYNOPSIS是其特色之一。强调组织学与功能和临床的联系,对病理诊断医生很有帮助。
The goal of Atlas of Histology with Functional and Clinical Correlationsis not only to provide a practical and useful source of fundamental information concerning basic histology but also to do so using an innovative approach that shows how tissues can be modified by a pathological process. This integrated approach emphasizes learning both normal structure and how the same tissues would appear in an abnormal state. We believe this approach will provide a bridge for students between knowledge of basic histology and information that will directly contribute to their future understanding of clinical concepts.
This “Atlas with Extras” functions much like a combination atlas and text. These “extras” consist of many structure and function correlations, expanded and informative figure descriptions, text boxes offering additional relevant information, the extensive use of clinical examples and their correlation with histological constructs, and relevant electron micrographs integrated throughout. Taken collectively, these features form a flexible educational tool that can be adapted to a wide variety of teaching and learning environments.
